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Understanding Autism and Theory of Mind Over 50 Years

Evolution of Autistic Disorders Concept

Since Leo Kanner's description of classic autism, research has broadened the understanding of autistic disorders, leading to increased prevalence estimates.

Theory of Mind in Autism

Stephen M. Edelson, Ph.D., highlights that many individuals with autism struggle with understanding that others have distinct thoughts, plans, and perspectives.

Challenges in Understanding Others

Autistic individuals often find it difficult to grasp other people's knowledge, emotions, and beliefs, impacting their social interactions.

Psychological Theories on Autism

A key psychological theory suggests autistic people lack a theory of mind, affecting their ability to comprehend and respond to others' mental states.

Developmental Milestones of Theory of Mind

  • Attention and eye contact in early months.
  • Social referencing and shared play in infancy.
  • Understanding deception and false beliefs in early childhood.
  • Advanced theory of mind development from 5 to 10 years.

Emotional Intelligence and Autism

Emotional intelligence, closely related to the theory of mind, is an area where individuals with autism may rely more on cognitive abilities than emotional understanding.


Over the past 50 years, our understanding of autism and its impact on theory of mind has grown significantly, offering deeper insights into the behavioural aspects of those with Autism Spectrum Disorder.