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Supporting Autistic Children with Consistency and Routine

The Importance of Consistency and Routine

For many autistic children, a predictable routine can significantly reduce anxiety and provide a sense of security.

Benefits of Established Routines

Routines can include specific rituals for daily activities and offer autistic individuals comfort during distress.

Strengths in Routines

Many autistic people excel in punctuality, reliability, and focus, thanks to their adherence to routines.

Challenges with Change

Unexpected changes can cause significant stress and anxiety for autistic individuals, potentially leading to adverse reactions.

Strategies for Managing Change

  • Using visual prompts like pictures or timetables to help anticipate changes.
  • Physical prompts, such as visiting new places in advance.
  • Developing back-up plans for unforeseen changes.

Utilizing Social Stories

Social stories are a valuable tool for teaching self-care skills, social skills, and coping strategies for change and frustration.

Application of Social Stories

Social stories can provide structure and guidance for various situations, from day-to-day activities to social interactions and behavior regulation.

Examples of Social Story Uses

  • Developing self-care skills like handwashing and dressing.
  • Enhancing social skills such as sharing and saying thank you.
  • Guiding behavior in challenging situations.


Implementing consistent routines and effectively using tools like social stories are crucial in supporting autistic children, especially in managing change and developing essential skills.