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Understanding Autism: Causes, Characteristics, and Cognitive Theories

Defining Autism as a Developmental Disability

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability, distinct from learning disabilities or mental health problems, though it may co-occur with them.

The Spectrum Nature of Autism

As a spectrum condition, autism affects individuals differently, influencing their perception, social interactions, and communication.

Exploring the Causes of Autism

The NHS states that there is no single cause for autism. Potential factors include genetics, environmental influences, birth trauma, and brain size. Misconceptions about autism include it being caused by bad parenting or vaccines.

Behavioural Characteristics of Autism

  • Challenges in communication and social interaction.
  • Sensitivity to sensory experiences.
  • Anxiety in unfamiliar situations.
  • Repetitive thoughts or actions.

Cognitive Theories in Autism

Various theories help explain autistic experiences, including lack of theory of mind, weak central coherence, and executive function deficit.

Alternative Terminologies for Autism

Different terms are used to describe autism, including Asperger Syndrome, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and Pervasive Development Disorder N.O.S, particularly in the USA.


Understanding Autism involves recognizing its lifelong impact, diverse causes, unique behavioural characteristics, and the cognitive theories that explain autistic experiences.